May the God save mother of Sri Lanka!

In the name of Yahapalanaya the executive president of Sri Lanka has made a fine speech at a Public meeting targeting three leading law enforcement establishments in Sri Lanka. Now the Hon. President must explore the possibilities of appointing either Basil or Gota in place of Mrs. Dilrukshi Dias Wicramasinghe who resigned from the rest of Director General of the Commission to investigate Bribery or corruption (one of the establishments targeted by the president) as a direct result of the president’s fine speech.

Though the independent commissions are established to prevent political intervenes the president of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party wants the commission to investigate bribery and corruption to inform him in advance of the arrests they plan to make. What a reasonable and fair demand.

I do not know what exactly the Yahapalanaya means but one thing is certain that is the rule of law situation is in country will reach the same level to where it was about 2 years back. May the God save mother of Sri Lanka.

Sarath Perera,
Attorney- at- Law